November 7, 1961

On this date in 1961, Jose Sarria, the first openly gay political candidate in the U.S., finished 9th for 5 open SF Board of Supervisor seats with over 6,000 votes, putting San Francisco on notice that the gay community was a growing political force to be reckoned with.
November 6, 1973
On this date in 1973, Harvey Milk lost his first run for the SF Board of Supervisors, finishing 10th out of 32 candidates.
November 4, 1975
On this date in 1975, Harvey Milk finished seventh for six open Board of Supervisor seats in his second run for public office.
November 8, 1977
On this date in 1977, Harvey Milk finally the first openly gay candidate elected to the SF Board of Supervisors.
November 4, 2012
On this date in 2012, voters in Maine enact same-sex marriages while voters in Washington and Maryland uphold same-sex marriage statutes.